
網路購物無國界 訂單確認仔細瞧

書籍、雜誌類經常位居網購商品排行的第一名,原因是在網路上買書便於搜尋比價,不但節省時間,又可以直接送到方便取貨的地點,還可以跨國購買台灣買不到的原文書與雜誌,因此養成消費者到網路商店購書的習慣。不論是在國內外網購,確認訂單(order confirmation)都是購書時重要的步驟;通常在消費者完成訂購後,網路書店會寄一封確認信到購買者的電子信箱,告知訂單(order)中商品狀況,像是有現貨(in stock)或是缺貨中(out of stock)。以下是消費者網路購書的訂單以及書店寄來的確認通知,可以先試著讀讀看:

Questions 1-3 refer to the following e-mail and order.

To: dmoss@language-first.com

From: shipping@booksellers.com

Date: October 10th

Subject: Order confirmation

Dear Ms. Moss,屏東縣貸款計算

Thank you for your continued support of booksellers.com. Your business is important to us. I am writing to confirm that we have received payment for your order. We are preparing to ship your items, but I need to ask you for further information. The items marked “IS” (in stock) on the shipping order below are ready for immediate shipment. Please note that Item 402: Spanish for Beginners is now available in a new, updated version. We currently have the old version and the new version in stock. Please let me know which version you would prefer. If you would like the older version, we would be happy to offer it to you at a 10 percent discount. The discount will be credited to your next order.

Item 391: Intermediate French is currently out of stock “OS”. We are assured by the publisher that it will be shipped to us later this week, and we should have it in our warehouse by next Monday. If your order is urgent, we can ship all the other items today and ship Item 391 next Tuesday. Alternatively, if you are willing to wait until next week, we can ship the complete order together.

We look forward to hearing back from you soon.


Dania White

Shipping Department

Academic Booksellers Online


1. What is Ms. Moss asked to do?

(A) Make a payment

(B) Choose an old or new version of a book

(C) Pick up some books

(D) Learn a new language

2. In the e-mail, the phrase “in stock” in paragraph 1, line 4, is closest in meaning to

(A) unbelievable

(B) unavailable

(C) available

(D) expandable

3. What is NOT indicated on the S&D order?

(A) How frequently it is updated

(B) The client’s identification number房屋信貸信貸房貸

(C) When the items will be delivered

(D) When the items were ordered

1. (B)
2. (C)

3. (C)

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